Five Reasons To Hire A Florist For Your Wedding Flowers

When putting together all of the important details for your special day, you may choose to hire quite a few professionals to help you make your wedding amazing. There's already enough stress and a lot of time that you have to put into planning, there is no reason not to hire pros when possible. If you plan to have flowers, for decor, centerpieces, or bouquets, it's a good idea to hire a wedding florist. Read More 

3 Tips For Better Dahlia Growth

Dahlias are unique flowers that feature multiple layers of petals. The full and colorful blooms of the dahlia make it an excellent addition to any home garden. Dahlias can be grown from tubers that you purchase at your local florist. These ornamental flowers can be quite finicky until they are established. It's essential that you use proper techniques when planting your dahlia tubers if you want to experience the most blooms possible during the growing season. Read More 

What You Need To Create A Hanging Terrariums

If you want to decorate your place, and add a little bit of life to it, a hanging terrarium is a great way to do so. They look really great, add a splash of color to your space, and are easy to take care of. You can even make your own hanging terrarium if you want, or you can purchase a ready-made terrarium at your local florist or garden store. Read More 

3 Reasons To Hire A Professional Florist For Your Next Event

Whether you're planning a wedding, preparing a birthday party or hosting a company event, a professional florist can help. While a florist does cost money, there are many benefits that come with hiring a professional. If you are in need of flower arrangements for an event, check out these three reasons to hire a professional florist. Reduced Stress and Anxiety Planning any event is stressful and some may even bring feelings of anxiety, such as getting married or burying a loved one. Read More